Nicht bewertet
LED ovladač RF CCT (1 zóna) - R7-1
Dual Color LED Controller
● 4096 levels 0-100% dimming smoothly without any flash.
● Match with RF 2.4G single zone or multiple zone dual color or single color remote control.
● One RF controller accept up to 10 remote control.
● Auto-transmitting function: Controller automatically transmit signal to another controller with
30m control distance.
● Synchronize on multiple number of controllers.
● Fade in and out effect selectable.
● Can be set 3 levels color temperature (WW, NW and CW) selectable by continuous power off
and on operation.
Kategorie: | CCT-Treiber |
Garantie: | 3 Jahre |
Výstupní signál: | RF(2.4GHz) |
Pracovní napětí: | 3VDC |
Typ baterie: | CR2032 |
Dosah: | až 30m |
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