Flicker-free lighting: A necessity for the present time

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In recent years, LED lighting technology has been a key element of modern lighting systems in both homes, commercial and industrial applications. A kind of breakthrough was brought about by the introduction of European Union directives, which from September 2021 require all lighting products entering the EU market to meet strict requirements to minimize flicker – unpleasant flickering of light that can have a negative impact on human health and safety.

What is a flicker?

Flicker in LED light can be described as rapid and repetitive fluctuations in brightness that can be visible or invisible to the human eye. A visible flicker can be observed when, for example, we quickly wave a pencil under the light and see a series of static and individual images (stroboscopic effect). An invisible flicker, on the other hand, is clear if we capture the light from a close distance with a camera or smartphone, which can lead to fluctuations in the brightness display in the photo.

Why did the EU impose strict regulations?

Studies and research have shown that staying in an environment with flicker for long periods of time can cause a number of health problems, such as headaches, eye strain, reduced concentration and, in some cases, seizures of photosensitive epilepsy. For this reason, the EU has stipulated in COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2019/2020 that all lamps on the market must meet the minimum flicker criteria (Pst LM ≤ 1.0, SVM ≤ 0.4) in order to increase consumer protection and improve the overall quality of lighting.

How to identify flicker-free LED lights?

Although many manufacturers on the market declare their products as "flicker-free", not all LED lamps are truly flicker-free. It is important to look for products that have certifications or testing from reputable institutions that guarantee a low level of flicker or its complete absence.

The Future of Flicker-Free Lighting

With a growing understanding of the harmfulness of flicker and tighter regulations, it is likely that the trend of flicker-free lighting will continue to grow. Institutions and organizations in the United States and other countries are focusing on similar legislative actions, suggesting that lighting quality standards will become stricter globally.


Flicker-free and Kama Lights®

Kama Lights® are designed to provide not only high efficiency and safety, but also comfort and health benefits for the user. One of the key features of these lights is flicker-free technology. This feature is crucial for ensuring eye comfort and preventing fatigue caused by prolonged exposure to artificial light.

What does flicker-free mean?

Flicker-free means that the light emitted by light sources such as LEDs is stable and does not contain the rapid changes in light intensity that are usually perceived at the peripheral level of vision. These rapid changes can be a source of discomfort and can lead to problems such as eye strain, headaches and impaired concentration.

What are the benefits of Kama Lights® with flicker-free technology?

  1. Reduce eye fatigue: Prolonged exposure to flickering light can cause eye strain and other health problems. Kama Lights® minimize this risk by providing steady, flicker-free illumination.

  2. Improved focus and productivity: Stable lighting without distracting flickering effects can help improve overall productivity and focus when working or studying.

  3. Safety: Flicker-free technology contributes to the overall safety of lighting by eliminating the risk of epileptic seizures in individuals with photosensitive epilepsy.

The technological basis of flicker-free luminaires

Kama Lights® use technologies such as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to achieve a flicker-free effect, a method that allows lights to dim smoothly without creating a flickering effect. This technology also contributes to more efficient regulation of electrical current, which means less heat and a longer lifespan for the LEDs.

Kama Lights® with flicker-free technology not only provide users with a high level of comfort and safety, but also promote a better working and living environment by preventing the negative health impacts associated with flickering lights. This feature makes Kama Lights® an ideal choice for homes, offices, and other spaces where the quality of light affects daily activity and well-being.